Frequently Asked Questions

What does the 404 Tracking script do?

Last Updated: June 13, 2024

The NotFoundBot 404 Tracking script must be configured for NotFoundBot to operate in any manner.

The 404 Tracking script provided by NotFoundBot is an essential tool for any eCommerce website owner. It serves a critical function in identifying and addressing 404 errors, which can significantly impact your online store’s performance. Here’s how it works and why it’s indispensable for your eCommerce store.

Key Features and Benefits

  1. Automatic 404 Error Detection: The 404 Tracking script automatically detects when visitors encounter a 404 error on your site. This includes capturing details about the error, such as the URL that caused the error and the referral source.
  2. Comprehensive Analytics: NotFoundBot provides detailed analytics on 404 errors. This includes reports on the total number of 404 errors, auto-redirects, and assisted redirects over specific periods. You can access these reports directly from your Shopify store dashboard.
  3. Insightful Reports:
    • Visitor Sessions: View the number of daily sessions to your store, split by human vs bot based traffic.
      NotFoundBot visitor sessions tracked in Shopify
    • Total 404 Errors: View the total number of 404 errors encountered over the previous period that you specify.
      Daily 404 Errors Graph
    • Auto Redirects: Monitor the number of times NotFoundBot successfully auto-redirected visitors to the correct page in the previous period.
      NotFoundBot Daily Auto Redirected Graph
    • Assisted Redirects: Track the number of assisted redirects performed in the previous period.
      Assisted Redirect Graph
    • Recent 404s: A detailed table report shows the total count of 404 errors by URL over the previous period. For each URL it also shows:
      • Total visitor sessions to the URL (split by human vs bot visits).
      • Last visit date to the URL.
      • If the URL is auto-redirecting and where it was redirected to.
      • If and where the URL may have had an assisted redirect.
      • Referrer information when available.
        Recent 404 URL Detail
  4. Enhanced Customer Retention: By understanding where and why 404 errors occur, you can take proactive measures to fix broken links and improve user experience, thereby retaining potential customers who might otherwise leave and never return. Remember, 74% of visitors who land on a 404 error page never return​​.

Why 404 Tracking Matters

404 errors are more than just minor inconveniences; they represent lost sales opportunities. When customers encounter a 404 error, their journey is disrupted, leading many to abandon the site altogether. With NotFoundBot’s 404 Tracking script, you can minimize these occurrences by:

  • Identifying High-Frequency Errors: Quickly spot which URLs are causing the most errors and address them promptly.
  • Understanding Visitor Behavior: Gain insights into how visitors navigate your site and where they encounter obstacles.
  • Improving Site Navigation: Use the data to enhance site structure and navigation, ensuring a smoother experience for visitors.

How to Configure 404 Tracking

Configuration of 404 Tracking allows NotFoundBot to identify when a visitor coming to your website, or navigating within your website, encounters a 404 error. It helps power many of the charts that we display on your NotFoundBot dashboard.

The process is VERY simple, and takes a few short seconds.

Step 1. Login to your Shopify admin account.

Step 2. Navigate to Apps > NotFoundBot

Depending upon the theme that you have, you will follow one of the two instructions below:

Shopify OS2.0 Theme

Shopify Vintage Theme

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