Frequently Asked Questions

What is NotFoundBot and What Does it Do?

Last Updated: May 15, 2024

NotFoundBot is a service that helps lost visitors to a website find their way.  We help eCommerce store owners turn visitors that land on a 404 error into sales by enabling automated and assisted redirects for the visitor using advanced ML and AI.

74% of visitors to an eCommerce store that land on a 404 error leave immediately and never come back – without further attempting to find what they were looking for.  NotFoundBot helps to recover some of that lost sales.

The primary features that NotFoundBot include:

  • Turnkey 404 Error Analytics
    NotFoundBot provides FREE turnkey 404 error analytics, something that neither Shopify or GA4 provide.  With various details such as number of daily errors, number or daily redirects, and the most common 404 urls that might need a permanent fix.
  • Lost Visitor Redirection
    NotFoundBot uses advanced AI to try to determine the intent of a visitor when they land on a 404 error.  This includes looking at where the visitor came from, where they landed, and where other visitors that landed on this particular 404 eventually end up going.
    • Automatic Redirects
      When NotFoundBot analyzes all of these things and determines with high confidence what it believes the intent of the visitor was, it performs an auto-redirect of the visitor from the 404 error to the page we believe they intended to land on.
    • Assisted Redirects with AI Chat Guidance
      When NotFoundBot analyzes all of these things and determines with high confidence what it believes the intent of the visitor was, it performs an auto-redirect of the visitor from the 404 error to the page we believe they intended to land on.  When NotFoundBot isn’t able to do an auto-redirect with high confidence, it performs an assisted redirect which includes suggesting likely items the visitor was looking for and AI chat guided assistance.

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